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Contrast Runtime

The Contrast runtime is responsible for starting pods as confidential virtual machines. This works by specifying the runtime class to be used in a pod spec and by registering the runtime class with the apiserver. The RuntimeClass resource defines a name for referencing the class and a handler used by the container runtime (containerd) to identify the class.

kind: RuntimeClass
# This name is used by pods in the runtimeClassName field
name: contrast-cc-abcdef
# This name is used by the
# container runtime interface implementation (containerd)
handler: contrast-cc-abcdef

Confidential pods that are part of a Contrast deployment need to specify the same runtime class in the runtimeClassName field, so Kubernetes uses the Contrast runtime instead of the default containerd / runc handler.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
runtimeClassName: contrast-cc-abcdef
# ...

Node-level components

The runtime consists of additional software components that need to be installed and configured on every SEV-SNP-enabled worker node. This installation is performed automatically by the node-installer DaemonSet.

Runtime components

Containerd shim

The handler field in the Kubernetes RuntimeClass instructs containerd not to use the default runc implementation. Instead, containerd invokes a custom plugin called containerd-shim-contrast-cc-v2. This shim is described in more detail in the upstream source repository and in the containerd documentation.

cloud-hypervisor virtual machine manager (VMM)

The containerd shim uses cloud-hypervisor to create a confidential virtual machine for every pod. This requires the cloud-hypervisor binary to be installed on every node (responsibility of the node-installer).

Tardev snapshotter

Contrast uses a special containerd snapshotter (tardev) to provide container images as block devices to the pod-VM. This snapshotter consists of a host component that pulls container images and a guest component (kernel module) used to mount container images. The tardev snapshotter uses dm-verity to protect the integrity of container images. Expected dm-verity container image hashes are part of Contrast runtime policies and are enforced by the kata-agent. This enables workload attestation by specifying the allowed container image as part of the policy. Read the chapter on policies for more information.

Pod-VM image

Every pod-VM starts with the same guest image. It consists of an IGVM file and a root filesystem. The IGVM file describes the initial memory contents of a pod-VM and consists of:

  • Linux kernel image
  • initrd
  • kernel commandline

Additionally, a root filesystem image is used that contains a read-only partition with the user space of the pod-VM and a verity partition to guarantee the integrity of the root filesystem. The root filesystem contains systemd as the init system, and the kata agent for managing the pod.

This pod-VM image isn't specific to any pod workload. Instead, container images are mounted at runtime.

Node installer DaemonSet

The RuntimeClass resource above registers the runtime with the Kubernetes api. The node-level installation is carried out by the Contrast node-installer DaemonSet that ships with every Contrast release.

After deploying the installer, it performs the following steps on each node:

  • Install the Contrast containerd shim (containerd-shim-contrast-cc-v2)
  • Install cloud-hypervisor as the virtual machine manager (VMM)
  • Install an IGVM file for pod-VMs of this class
  • Install a read only root filesystem disk image for the pod-VMs of this class
  • Reconfigure containerd by adding a runtime plugin that corresponds to the handler field of the Kubernetes RuntimeClass
  • Restart containerd to make it aware of the new plugin