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Version: 1.5

Encrypted volume mount

This tutorial guides you through deploying a simple application with an encrypted MySQL database using the Contrast workload secret.

MySQL is an open-source database used to organize data into tables and quickly retrieve information about its content. All of the data in a MySQL database is stored in the /var/lib/mysql directory. In this example, we use the workload secret to setup an encrypted LUKS mount for the /var/lib/mysql directory to easily deploy an application with encrypted persistent storage using Contrast.

The resources provided in this demo are designed for educational purposes and shouldn't be used in a production environment without proper evaluation. When working with persistent storage, regular backups are recommended in order to prevent data loss. For confidential applications, please also refer to the security considerations. Also be aware of the differences in security implications of the workload secrets for the data owner and the workload owner. For more details, see the Workload Secrets documentation.


  • Installed Contrast CLI
  • A running Kubernetes cluster with support for confidential containers, either on AKS or on bare metal

Steps to deploy MySQL with Contrast

Download the deployment files

The MySQL deployment files are part of the Contrast release. You can download them by running:

curl -fLO --create-dirs --output-dir deployment

Deploy the Contrast runtime

Contrast depends on a custom Kubernetes RuntimeClass, which needs to be installed to the cluster initially. This consists of a RuntimeClass resource and a DaemonSet that performs installation on worker nodes. This step is only required once for each version of the runtime. It can be shared between Contrast deployments.

kubectl apply -f

Deploy the Contrast Coordinator

Deploy the Contrast Coordinator, comprising a single replica deployment and a LoadBalancer service, into your cluster:

kubectl apply -f

Generate policy annotations and manifest

Run the generate command to generate the execution policies and add them as annotations to your deployment files. A manifest.json file with the reference values of your deployment will be created:

contrast generate --reference-values aks-clh-snp deployment/
Runtime class and Initializer

The deployment YAML shipped for this demo is already configured to be used with Contrast. A runtime class contrast-cc was added to the pods to signal they should be run as Confidential Containers. During the generation process, the Contrast Initializer will be added as an init container to these workloads. It will attest the pod to the Coordinator and fetch the workload certificates and the workload secret.

Further, the deployment YAML is also configured with the Contrast service mesh. The configured service mesh proxy provides transparent protection for the communication between the MySQL server and client.

Set the manifest

Configure the coordinator with a manifest. It might take up to a few minutes for the load balancer to be created and the Coordinator being available.

coordinator=$(kubectl get svc coordinator -o=jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
echo "The user API of your Contrast Coordinator is available at $coordinator:1313"
contrast set -c "${coordinator}:1313" deployment/

The CLI will use the reference values from the manifest to attest the Coordinator deployment during the TLS handshake. If the connection succeeds, it's ensured that the Coordinator deployment hasn't been tampered with.


On bare metal, the coordinator policy hash must be overwritten using --coordinator-policy-hash.

Deploy MySQL

Now that the coordinator has a manifest set, which defines the MySQL deployment as an allowed workload, we can deploy the application:

kubectl apply -f deployment/
Persistent workload secrets

During the initialization process of the workload pod, the Contrast Initializer sends an attestation report to the Coordinator and receives a workload secret derived from the Coordinator's secret seed and the workload secret ID specified in the manifest, and writes it to a secure in-memory volumeMount.

The MySQL deployment is declared as a StatefulSet with a mounted block device. An init container running cryptsetup uses the workload secret at /contrast/secrets/workload-secret-seed to generate a key and setup the block device as a LUKS partition. Before starting the MySQL container, the init container uses the generated key to open the LUKS device, which is then mounted by the MySQL container. For the MySQL container, this process is completely transparent and works like mounting any other volume. The cryptsetup container will remain running to provide the necessary decryption context for the workload container.

Verifying the deployment as a user

In different scenarios, users of an app may want to verify its security and identity before sharing data, for example, before connecting to the database. With Contrast, a user only needs a single remote-attestation step to verify the deployment - regardless of the size or scale of the deployment. Contrast is designed such that, by verifying the Coordinator, the user transitively verifies those systems the Coordinator has already verified or will verify in the future. Successful verification of the Coordinator means that the user can be sure that the given manifest will be enforced.

Verifying the Coordinator

A user can verify the Contrast deployment using the verify command:

contrast verify -c "${coordinator}:1313" -m manifest.json

The CLI will verify the Coordinator via remote attestation using the reference values from a given manifest. This manifest needs to be communicated out of band to everyone wanting to verify the deployment, as the verify command checks if the currently active manifest at the Coordinator matches the manifest given to the CLI. If the command succeeds, the Coordinator deployment was successfully verified to be running in the expected Confidential Computing environment with the expected code version. The Coordinator will then return its configuration over the established TLS channel. The CLI will store this information, namely the root certificate of the mesh (mesh-ca.pem) and the history of manifests, into the verify/ directory. In addition, the policies referenced in the manifest history are also written into the same directory.


On bare metal, the coordinator policy hash must be overwritten using --coordinator-policy-hash.

Auditing the manifest history and artifacts

In the next step, the Coordinator configuration that was written by the verify command needs to be audited. A user of the application should inspect the manifest and the referenced policies. They could delegate this task to an entity they trust.

Connecting to the application

Other confidential containers can securely connect to the MySQL server via the Service Mesh. The configured mysql-client deployment connects to the MySQL server and inserts test data into a table. To view the logs of the mysql-client deployment, use the following commands:

kubectl logs -l -c mysql-client

The Service Mesh ensures an mTLS connection between the MySQL client and server using the mesh certificates. As a result, no other workload can connect to the MySQL server unless explicitly allowed in the manifest.

Updating the deployment

Because the workload secret is derived from the WorkloadSecredID specified in the manifest and not to an individual pod, once the pod restarts, the cryptsetup init container can deterministically generate the same key again and open the already partitioned LUKS device. For more information on using the workload secret, see Workload Secrets.

For example, after making changes to the deployment files, the runtime policies need to be regenerated with contrast generate and the new manifest needs to be set using contrast set.

contrast generate deployment/
contrast set -c "${coordinator}:1313" deployment/

The new deployment can then be applied by running:

kubectl rollout restart statefulset/mysql-backend
kubectl rollout restart deployment/mysql-client

The new MySQL backend pod will then start up the cryptsetup init container which receives the same workload secret as before and can therefore generate the correct key to open the LUKS device. All previously stored data in the MySQL database is available in the newly created pod in an encrypted volume mount.